Features & Benefits
We will try to share our journey of toroidal transformer making.
How it all began
Making Audio amplifers with EI Core Tranformers in the 90's was Obvious and Standard, Adopting new technology like torroids was a challenge. The machines to make this kind of product and lack of avilablity of suitable core material made it further more challending.
Request's to make Slim and at the same time powerfull amplifers has trigerred us numerous times and every time it so happended that we looked in to it for some time and backed off due to the heavy upfront cost of the machines and the material used. And then in 2008 we took a bold step in setting up a plant to make torroids. We barely had any idea if this would work as the transformer will be more than twice the price of a Regular EI unit.
Seems like the decision was right!!
Development Profile of Toroidal transformer
Toroidal Transformer Temperature management, Important?
There are various sensors used to manage temperature for toroidal transformer. Some external circuits are also used to take temperatur readings.
Explosions inside Amplifier?
When you hear a loud noise in the audio amplifier somewhat similar to a sound cork the sound is due to capacator explosion..
What are the Benefits of Toroidal Transformer in Audio Amplifier?
The article explains the benifits of using toroidal transformer in Audio Amplifier.
Toroidal Transformer in Chennai
Toroidal Transformer requirements in Tamilnadu. Fulfilling requirements, achieving targets.
How to test a Toroidal Transformer
We have put a description of the process followed by us to test your transformer.
What is inside a Toroidal Transformer?
We have tried to put all the available information on this page to define a toroidal transformer at the same time some info on advanced toroidal transformer.
What are the Advantages of Toroidal Transformer ?
Pros and Con
Extremely Higher Efficiency, Excellent Temperature Control, Almost Ideal Magnetic Circuit, Negligible Stray Magnetic Interferance, Negligible Audible Hum, Light Weight, Reduced Volume are a few to list.Sep 2014
Building material used in Toroidal Transformer ?
Every thing from Copper wire to laminated steel strips we have put every thing we can to explain the parts.
What is a Toroidal Transformer ?
What is a Toroidal Transformer ?
All this starts with the effect called electromagnetic induction, Two wires running parallel to each other, If one wire has a changing electric field it tends to put current in the other winding too.
This leads to isolated volatge generation. This is how any transformer works.